Dog Friendly Vacations: Where Can You Go?

In this generation, we are all pretty guilty of being in love with our animals, especially pets. Whenever I have to travel, I know that I would love to take my animals, especially my hot-dog-dog with me, however that is not something that is always available to everyone.
However, there are many different pet friend vacations that you can go on, you really just need to find them – seriously. So that is what we are going to take a look at! How to find the perfect pet friendly vacation spot!
One of the first things that you need to ensure is that you are going to have enough time to donate to your dog. You can not just leave them locked up in the hotel room all of the time – so make sure you truly can pay attention to the dog.
Now that we have talked about setting aside some time for your pooch while you are on vacation, the next step is going to be ensuring that the hotel takes dogs. A lot of hotels nowadays have switched around their thinking and they are now accepting pets of all shapes and sizes – however, there is usually a fee attached with it. Some hotels charge one flat fee and others charge daily, so that is something you will definitely have to find out.
If the hotel has a courtyard or even just some patio rooms, it is a great idea to see if you can get one of those in order to take your doggie out – it makes life a lot easier, trust me. If your dog is crate-trained, definitely make sure that you bring their crate, so if you are out of the room, they will be okay.
Dogs are a fantastic counterpart whenever you are on vacation and now that the hotels – a lot of them anyway have switched their policies around, you should be able to bring your dog anywhere!
Now that have explored the hotel option of bringing your dog with you – the next option is the place to go! California is known for their pet-friendly vacation spots and I have to say that they are pretty awesome. The weather is always beautiful and there is so much that you can do with your pet in CA, you truly should take a trip there with your pooch!
However, that does not mean that you can not travel to the east with your pet. New York is definitely one place that is slowly but surely allowing dogs to be able to stay at their hotels … and shopping. Many department stores are now allowing pets to come into the store with their owners and while that sounds … strange, it is worth it!
Your pet loves you, they can be your best friend for life and bringing them on a vacation trip is something that is fun for you and for them!